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Album Review: Soft Block Stars by Current 93

Album Name - Soft Black Stars Artist - Current 93 Label - Durtro Records Year - 1998 Genre - Goth, Gothic Folk, Apocal...

Monday, July 4, 2016

Instrument of the Week! Glass Armonica!

Most people are familiar that you can make sounds by running a wet finger around the rim of a wine glass. Many less people are familiar that Benjamin Franklin invented a musical instrument based on the concept. Benjamin Franklin invented the instrument in 1762. The first public performance was performed by famous English Musician Marianne Davies. It is sometimes called by a variety of names: glass harmonica, glass armonica, glass harmonium, glassychord, bowl organ, hydrocrystalophone, or simply the armonica or harmonica. It was designed to be a better arrangement for performing with tempered glass than sets of wine glasses. The instrument is somewhat arranged like a piano with gold stripes or other markings to represent the black keys every so often. I was very popular until the 19th century, especially in Germany where music was written for it by both Beethoven and Mozart. Some sources say that its decline is due to the shift from small aristocratic chambers to large concert halls. In the large halls without amplification the glass armonica was not as easily heard. Other sources talk about Glass Armonica players going mad or committing suicide, and the instrument developing a reputation. The instrument is also used or associated with esoteric practices. Franz Mesmer used it to mesmerize (hypnotize) his patients. It was also seen as an instrument that produced sounds from the spiritual realm, with hints of references that it might could be used to communicate with the dead. Early instruments were made from lead-glass and there is some historical evidence to point to lead poising or death from the lead. The instrument was also accused of producing depression and/or insanity, possibly another side effect from the lead. The Glass Armonica is alive and well today with many players all over the globe. Modern instruments are completely safe, though pricey, starting around $9000. On top of that it is hard to find makers. There is some internet discussion that they could be made for a reasonable price by someone who is reasonably good with their hands


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